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Our Story

My name is Alex, I run all the crop production for Dean Family Farms. Being a young farmer the biggest barrier to entry was up front costs of land and equipment. When I realized this, it was clear that some extra help would be needed. It ended up aligning perfectly with my mother and fathers retirement, and they were able to join the business as partners. We moved in together in a small village just outside of  Hartland, NB. 


Growing up with crohns taught me early on that good, healthy food really is medicine. While in school for medicinal chemistry I learned what makes food medicine and it all comes down to the way it was grown. This lead me down the path of studying and practicing regenerative growing for 5 years prior to starting our farm business.

Running the farm is a collaborative effort. My mother, Krista, handles all of the sales and customer service while my father, Kevin, runs the finances and business management.

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